What is the Quality Security Service Provider Certification?

The Quality Security Services Provider (QSSP) Certification is a Client Validated Assurance & Performance Certification for Private Security Companies awarded annually.

How Does It Work?

  • Certification is based on independently and objectively assessed performance scores across 32 Service Level KPI’s covering management of the security services contract, access control, quality of security personnel and security strategy.


  • The cohort of clients served by a Security Service Provider are invited at the beginning of every month via their SIACONTROLROOM™ dashboard, to assess the performance of their Security Company in the preceding month.
  • Overall scores are divided into percentage quartiles. Security Service Providers attaining performance scores in the top two quartiles are awarded the Platinum and Gold QSSP Certifications respectively.
  • Clients also provide valuable feedback in areas where service quality is of concern. Giving the Security Company an opportunity to improve performance before it becomes contract critical.
  • QSSP certifications and emblems have a duration of 12 months and can be displayed on the company website of the Awardee whilst they remain in force.
  • QSSP certification is non-transferrable and is invalidated after the expiry date.

What it is

QSSP Certification is an objective assessment of a Security Company’s performance over time across a broad range of KPI’s, validated by the people that really matter, it’s clients.

What it is not

QSSP is not a tick box exercise. It is also not a warranty or guaranty of performance. And it does not provide an Awardee with immunity from any of its legal obligations.


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